Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Latest News...

Hi All ~
We haven't had an update in almost a month, so I feel I owe everyone some news on the Larkin family. We had Jack's 6 month check up on May 15th and he is a whopping 22.4 pounds and 27.5 inches long...definitely a big boy, but such a happy boy!! He is sitting up by himself completely, and loves to sit there and play with whatever toys he can. He hasn't started crawling yet, but I think it's just around the corner, as he seems awfully interested in getting places quicker than Jim and I can carry him!
Jack also has his first teeth - they finally came through on May 16th, so almost 6 months to the day - he hasn't seemed too bothered by them, which is good for mom and dad.
Meg is getting bigger and bigger - talking more and more, and becoming more opinionated by the day - lately she tells me she wants to wear "pink" every day - she doesn't care what pink she is wearing as long as the clothes or the shoes have pink on them. I find it very cute, but makes it hard once we have gotten through all the pink clothes in her closet. She is quite the helper at school, and her teachers really seem to love her. The other kids in her class also seem to get very excited when she arrives in the morning - makes me very proud as a mom that she is so good at making friends.
As for me and Jim - same old, same old. We are working, trying to deal with the heat of the summer, making our summer vacation plans and enjoying our time with the kids. We are headed to New Orleans for the long weekend and I promise to have lots of new pictures posted when we get back!
Hope this finds everyone well! Happy Memorial Day!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

It's May Day!

Hello All! Today is May 1st - it's incredible how fast time has flown by! I can't believe that in 2 weeks Jack will be 6 months old - I am definitely in a bit of denial about that! Margaret is getting even more verbal and learning more and more as the days go by. Her sign language is really going well, and she tends to use it when the words aren't working (the only problem is that mom and dad don't always know what she is saying)!
Jack is officially sitting up all by himself, and is very proud of that! I'm sure it won't be long before he's rolling and scooting all over the place - we'll have to be sure to babyproof all over again! He's also eating baby food reguarly - he is a big fan of apples and sweet potatoes, and not at all sure how he feels about squash (although I think if he's hungry enough, he'll eat anything).
We are enjoying watching the kids interact more and more - last night in the car, I mentioned to Jim that I needed to give Jack his medicine that night before bed, and about 10 minutes later he was crying in the backseat. Meg leaned toward him, patted his hand and said "it's ok, Jack. Mommy medicine at home." It was amazing - they really are little sponges and they hear everything and store it away! She is so motherly toward him, that sometimes it really melts your heart. She has learned the sign for sad, so now when Jack cries, she says, "Mommy, Baby Jack sad" Amazing little creatures, they are. Hope all is well with everyone!