Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Really....She's not a ham!

My sweet angel practicing her "apres-ski" pose...I can't wait to actually see her on the slopes - will be about the cutest thing I've ever seen!
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My Little Skiier...

My heart is melting....what can I say - I adore this little boy! He truly is a "mama's boy" - one day he'll be horrified that I said that out loud, but it's the truth!
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How is this possible?!

Seriously, how is it that we are already 1/2 way through February!??! I mean, I know that I'm slow in my posting, but that is rediculous - almost as though the more I resolve to post, the less often I actually DO it...to those three or four of you out there that actually read this for updates, I apologize. Feel free to flog me mercilessly for the lack of updating that has gone on here.
January has come and gone - amazing. The very first month of 2008 was a good one. We spent lots of time with friends, have had visits from family, and the kids are growing by leaps and bounds daily!!
John has become such a lovebug. There are days that I feel guilty for loving him so much - I know that is never a bad thing, but that little boy melts my heart every second of every day (except the seconds when he thinks writing on the ceiling of my car is a good idea...any ideas on how to get THAT out are welcome!!)
Margaret is ALL drama, ALL the time - I don't know where she gets it...really...OK, fine - she comes by it honestly, as my parents like to tell me often. It is adorable how loving and sweet she is 90% of the time - it's the 10% that gets us. We are working through the bossy behavior - I feel sure that will pass with time.
Outside of that, same ol' same ol'. We are so very lucky to have such wonderful friends and family to share our lives with, and thank you for being in it!!
I guess for now that's all. I promise to put new pictures on here, and SOON. I need to download everything from the camera to the computer so that everyone can share in the "cuteness" that is my children.
'til next time, my friends. XOXO