Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My New Mission

So, my new mission...after some deliberation...is to make this blog like a living scrapbook. I have come to the conclusion that I will never actually sit down and create scrapbooks for my kids, and I'm not very good about doing them in Ofoto either, even though I could do it there. Truth be told, I'm too tired, and for whatever reason blogging for a little while each day at work doesn't seem as exhausting. SO, that being said, here goes on the new format. I hope to update the blog every week or so, and attach pictures with captions, and notes on the Larkin family goings-on as well -- then...drumroll please...eventually I can take all the pictures, comments, and notes - put them on a CD - take that CD somewhere and get everything printed out - and voila! I have a scrapbook (well, I also have to buy the book all this fabulous information will go into)! Your mission as a reader of this blog is this...remind me if I have fallen behind. If we go a few months and Jack still hasn't done anything new, Meg hasn't said anything new, and I haven't reported to all of you - I am not doing my job! My hope is that this will keep you all abreast of the kids and what's going on with them, and keep me accountable to you and to my family to not forget the little things! The little things are sometimes all we have, and if you forget to capture them, you won't ever remember them again...So, climb aboard and enjoy the ride!

The spoils of war! Meg loved her gifts, and the wrapping was the best part of all Posted by Picasa

Aunt Jenny, Meg & Jack Posted by Picasa

See, she's a flirt already!! Posted by Picasa

Justin is getting his "groove" on!! Posted by Picasa

Meg, Mommy, Aunt Jenn & Justin Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 26, 2006

March, 2006

March has been an exciting month! Margaret turned 2 on St. Patrick's Day, and boy is she a lucky little girl! Grandma and Granddaddy came down to celebrate and brought with them a rocking horse (used to be mine) AND a wagon (my walls thank you for that...) Her party was a huge success with all her best friends in attendance! We had quite a rainy weekend, so it was lucky for us that all the festivities were inside!! We had a great weekend - spent time with the Grandparents, played with our new toys, had "Aunt" Jenny play with us lots and lots!
Jack is getting bigger and bigger - he is almost sitting up (as long as he's well supported) and he weighs a WHOPPING 18 pounds...this kid isn't missing any meals! Meg had her 2 year check up and weighs in at 30 pounds, but is still off the charts in height (we're starting to look into basketball scholarships early)!
We are exhausted, but remember each day that we are truly blessed to have these two creatures who we love so unabashedly! Margaret has started speaking in complete sentences, and some of her favorites include, "C'mon MOmmy" (generally anytime I have just sat down - the same goes for Jim), "Let's go to the park," "One more minute" (anytime she thinks she can get some more awake time out of us), and "I love you" - which will always be the one to melt our hearts! She is also quite a singer - she has an entire catalog of songs, including "Bushel and a Peck," "Twinkle, Twinkle," "Old McDonald" and many more - I'm thinking of recording a CD - just kidding...although it would be cute!
That's the latest update from the Larkin clan - we hope you all are doing well - Remember, we love having visitors (read: babysitters) so "c'mon!!"
Below are some pictures to enjoy...

Larkin Family Portrait (Sarah, Margaret, Audrey **thanks, Uncle Tom & Aunt Alana**, Jim & Jack) - March, 2006 Posted by Picasa

Could they be any sweeter? We don't think so! Posted by Picasa

Oh no! The rabbit brings trouble!!! Posted by Picasa

Jack is paying close attention - he's hoping to gain some of his sister's knowledge! Posted by Picasa

Meg loves to entertain her brother. Posted by Picasa

The Dynamic Duo!! Posted by Picasa

Now, wait a minute...I'm not planning on missing any meals! Posted by Picasa

I can get in trouble...just you wait! Posted by Picasa

Looks can be deceiving...but a sweet boy none the less Posted by Picasa

Giddy-up!! Posted by Picasa

Meg's rocking horse - her new favorite toy! Posted by Picasa

Meg's Cake - a masterpiece (and it tasted delicious too)! Posted by Picasa

I love my cake!! Mommy doesn't let me have it often, so I will enjoy it even more! Posted by Picasa

What girl doesn't love a tambourine?! Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday, Margaret! Meg Turns 2 Posted by Picasa