WOW! It' s been a long time since I've actually written anything here, and there are so many pictures to add (see below). Since the last time I wrote, Jack has started walking for real, Margaret has developed even MORE of a personality (we weren't entirely sure that was possible), and Jim and I are just trying to keep up with our kiddos!
We had several great visits over the past few months -- we were in New Orleans over Labor Day and spent a few days with MeeMaw and PopPop. We enjoyed time by the pool, ate the final snowcone of the summer (see pictures below), found a little time to be adults and do the tourist thing in downtown New Orleans, the kids went to the zoo and we just had a great time staying out of the fray that is the "norm."
MeeMaw and PopPop came to visit us in Dallas a few weeks later and again we all had lots of fun as a family - we went to several yummy dinners (and didn't have to run out because somehow both kids behaved quite nicely), and got to watch football and relax. The
The next weekend we had Grandma and Granddaddy here for a visit - it was lots of fun, and Margaret made her first oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from scratch. We were all involved (there was a rule that if you didn't help, you didn't get to eat them...needless to say, we were all MORE than willing to help). Jack and Margaret weren't too into the cookies, but all the adults were happy to make up for their lack of eating! Thanks, Mom....they were, as always, AMAZING!
Other than the visits from Grandparents, we have just been enjoying the fall weather. We've been spending more and more time at the park, and the kids have really loved walking through the neighborhood and talking to new friends. What a great time of year!!
School has been very exciting for Margaret - she has learned all her colors, her shapes, her fruits and vegetables (what other 2 1/2 year old do you know who can tell you about turnips and radishes?!), and her numbers. She still loves music class, and often I find myself listening to her sing to me and her brother on the way home from school. I say it all the time, but it's true, the simplest things in life really ARE the most important. We are looking forward to the holiday season coming up - Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are such a lucky family, and thank you all for sharing in our lives.