Friday, January 04, 2008

The New Year...

So....Here we are - 4 entire days into 2008, and I've already failed on my very first resolution. Keeping my blog updated. At least I'm here now, which is better than never. Here's my first question for '08 - why is it that all the words that made so much sense in my head suddenly and inexplicably become a jumble of nothingness once I set about to put them on "paper?" Ugh. Oh well, onward and upward.
2007 was a great year in the Larkin home. It saw lots of changes, lots of growth, and lots of excitement. On the work front, I finally took the big leap of faith and left the cozy security that was Google. Google was great to me, and to my family, but it was time to move on. Time to find something that allowed me to control my own destiny. Now, I'm working for a great company, MUCH smaller, and finding my way. The way won't be easy, but it will be mine, so that's a good place to start. Jim is still doing amazing things with Ameriprise, so nothing big changed on the work front with him.
We took a fabulous family vacation to Cape Cod in late summer - and I think I'm in love. The small town charm, the so-blue-it-looked-fake water, and the beauty of the simple things - I could do it yearly. Perhaps (when we win the lottery :)) we will buy a summer house there so we can enjoy it anytime. I only wish somehow we could transport it closer to Dallas because I will admit that the 4 1/2 hour plane ride is one I could have happily avoided. You know what they pain, no gain.
Margaret turned 3 (I am just now realizing how long it really has been since I posted. jeesh.), John turned 2, and I am one year closer to 35...Jim and I took one of the very first vacations we have taken, just the two of us, since our honeymoon. We went to Vegas with good friends and it was heaven. We missed the kids, and we were ready to get home after 3 days, but it was such a great experience that we hope to do it at least once a year every year from now on.
OK, enough waxing nostalgic on the past year, and onto THIS year. One of my biggest resolutions is to not live in the past, so word after word about last year would be counter-productive. Yet another resolution is to continue to keep this blog updated. I figure I can carve out a few minutes a day...I'm not THAT busy. And, of course the obligatory lose the nagging last 15 pounds, eat better, feed my children better, be a better wife, mommy and, here goes. Let's hope I can keep it up. I hope each and every one of you have a most magical 2008. We are blessed to get to share our lives with each and every one of you. 'til next time, my friends. XOXO