Friday, May 23, 2008

May, 2008

It's hard to believe we are already in May - at the end of May at that! I mean, how is it already Memorial Day?? I'm not quite sure I ever felt like I had the chance to fully enjoy spring, and now summer is being sprung!! The years really DO move faster the older you get, I suppose.
We have lots planned this summer - LOTS of time at the pool, hopefully finally teaching both our kids to swim without floaties...We are also looking for a dance/gymnastics class for Margaret, possibly a drama class (her favorite "subject" in school), and hopefully a cooking class as well. John John will be taking swimming lessons, and maybe a gymnastics class. He is pretty active, so anything we can do to wear him out!! We also have a "mom/dad" trip to Las Vegas, during which Grandma and Granddaddy are coming to hang out with the kiddos. They will have them for 3 days - I'm not sure they know what they're getting themselves into! We are planning a trip to Florida in September, and hoping to get a couple trips home (one to DC and one to New Orleans) packed in there somewhere too...not sure where all the time's going to come from, but you have to dream big!!
I have attached lots of pictures from the last several months - hopefully catching you up on the Larkin-land news.
Other than that, we are enjoying time together outside - Margaret rides her bike as often as she can, and both kids have shown an amazing talent and interest in dancing - we have dance parties often, where they show us their moves. I'm ashamed to admit that they can most definitely out-dance their parents...and they're still preschoolers! Ah well, part of that must be the lack of inhibition when you're 2 1/2 and 4.
We hope to see lots of friends this summer, and have lots of pool dates, time at the park, Friday nights at the ballpark -- whatever...summer is a time for relaxing and reconnecting with friends and family, so if you're in the area - please drop by...we would love to see you! Enjoy the photos below...

Class Photos - May, 2008

John John's class - what a group of personalities!!!

I had to include this photo as well because this look is the one that is most of the time on John's face - the "I'm loving life and always finding something wonderful to be happy about!!" look

This is Margaret's class - she is very much enjoying her last year before "real" school!

I included this one because it's hard not to see all of us from our school days in this picture - everyone trying to be good, but really ready to be done with the photography session...
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Sunday after church on the deck

Sweet John John - this kid always has a smile on his face!

Our children enjoying ice cream cones on the deck after church

One of the rare photos of our children being sweet and (almost) posing for a picture

The 3 loves of my life...What a lucky girl I am!!
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New Orleans trip with Daddy, Meemaw and PopPop

Margaret and PopPop hanging out watching the dancers at the French Quarter festival

Joining in the festivities with MeeMaw

On the Natchez with PopPop...This is a big hit every time!!

Sitting with the Frog Prince...I wonder if she thinks he'll turn into a real prince??
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Prom on her 4th birthday

Does this look like a prom picture or WHAT???
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Margaret's 4th Birthday

Is any birthday party complete without a "hello kitty/shamrock" cake!? This was her request, specially for the cake...I think it turned out really well :)

The Hello Kitty pinata (sensing a theme here?) We had such a good time with the pinata, the cake and the good group of friends we had join in our celebration. How very, very lucky we all are!!

Opening her gifts...she was thrilled to get a good supply of "Hello Kitty" make-up...Her parents were slightly less thrilled...

Margaret hanging with the boys...she will be well protected as she grows up -- this makes her parents very, VERY happy!
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