I know I haven't been as good at posting as I had hoped, but I'm making up for it today - See below for lots of fun pictures from the summer. We had a great time, and really enjoyed our time together as a family. Our big family vacation will be in a few weeks when we head to Destin for some "fun in the sun" with Jim's extended family for the Cranston Family Reunion! We are really excited for it - especially since the kids are now old enough to carry some of their own stuff to the beach (and John, we hope, won't ingest as much sand this trip!)
Both kids swam like fish this summer - Margaret can do flips underwater, is learning freestyle, and is just really at home in the water. We have been joking that if we start now, maybe we can have a shot at the 2020 Olympics! Crazier things have happened!
John still uses his floaties, but he loves to paddle around, loves to be underwater, and jumping off the diving board is a favorite past time. We really enjoyed watching them this summer!
Other than that, we stayed close to home most of the summer. Grandma and Granddaddy came and spent several days with us over the 4th of July, and the kids had a blast with them. I think they were sorry to see Mom and Dad come home!!
Enjoy the pictures below, and please know that I'm TRYING to be better (I know, I know...actions speak louder than words) about posting, so maybe this is the year I'll actually do it....who knows? (like I said above...crazier things have happened)...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Larkin Family Portrait
We had to take a family picture for Margaret's class this morning, so I thought I would share it with all of you. It's been ages since we've taken a family photo, and when I was scrambling this morning to meet the deadline (because, as in all things, I had procrastinated for a week!) the most recent one I could find with all of us was from LAST September. OK, new goal for the year - be better about family photos!! Anyway, here we are. I really am so lucky to have such an amazing husband and beautiful children!
Back to School, 2008
Wow! I look at this picture and get overwhelmed...How is possible that I sent my oldest off to pre-k today?! Real, honest to goodness school (okay, it's not really school, but it feels that way to me). We have a schedule we have to follow (read: she has to be there before 8:30 every morning), we have lessons they work on each week, and we have things to work on with her. She loves school, loves her teachers, loves to learn. I only hope this trend continues throughout her life - it will be SO much easier if it does!! And then there's my baby - my sweet little boy who seems to have grown up overnight! He's in a UNIFORM (!) which I still am not prepared for each morning as we get them ready. John is getting more and more of a personality, more and more independent (I do it myself, Mommy!), and more and more loving. Jim and I really are the luckiest parents to get the privilege of raising these two remarkable children! Margaret is everyone's favorite helper - she will do ANYTHING to be the mommy...John is the peace-keeper; the one who has never met a stranger. We love you both - all the stars and moon & the whole entire world, little bunnies!
Another Favorite

It's amazing how fast they grow up...This was a few weeks ago, and they were both in good moods at the SAME TIME (amazing, you see...). I also thought that John looked like a little man with his plaid shirt and sunglasses on his head...So, I seized the moment and incredibly we actually got a blog-worthy photo! These two really do light up our lives. This picture reminds me to focus on the important things in life, and not so much on the little things. We love you, Margaret & John-John!!
Before the Haircut
Here are my children waiting to get their hair cut. Notice my son's "wings" as Jim refers to them. I, of course, thought he was/is adorable! We did cut his hair, and luckily he's STILL adorable. Meg had hers cut too - if anyone else could experience the drama that is brushing her hair everyday you would know why it's such a miracle I allowed her to have any hair left at all!
Our Children...
Beautiful Margaret
I think the shirt and the look pretty much say it all.
This is the first Lucky Dog for John, so I had to capture it for posterity...
I think the shirt and the look pretty much say it all.
This is the first Lucky Dog for John, so I had to capture it for posterity...
There's a Caption Here Somewhere!
Meg and John trying to pose for a photo...of course, it's raining, John's pulling Margaret's hair, Margaret's trying to run away from us...so this is the best we could get!
Another attempt at a kid photo. John looking up at the raindrops, Meg "posing" (who told her that putting her hands on her face was a pose?!)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon...I love this photo - it's just so THEM!!
Another attempt at a kid photo. John looking up at the raindrops, Meg "posing" (who told her that putting her hands on her face was a pose?!)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon...I love this photo - it's just so THEM!!
Back to the Big D
Heading back home to Dallas from a fun-packed visit with MeeMaw and PopPop! Notice the Philly Phanatic Meg and John are both clutching - this was a gift from PopPop in honor of his favorite sports team, and his grandchildren are showing it the necessary reverence - Thanks, PopPop!! And look....my children are actually smiling/happy on an airplane...leads to a very happy Mommy - Great trip, all the way around!
Monday, July 21, 2008
My New Favorite Picture
Thanks to Granddaddy for taking this photo of my children. It really captures their personalities, and their love of life (I think it also shows they are both total hams for the camera!) This picture warms my heart, reminds me to enjoy the small things in life, and not to get so caught up in the minutae - I'm working on it, but it's harder than it sounds! Thanks, Margaret and John-John, for being the light in our life!
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