Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My New Mission

So, my new mission...after some deliberation...is to make this blog like a living scrapbook. I have come to the conclusion that I will never actually sit down and create scrapbooks for my kids, and I'm not very good about doing them in Ofoto either, even though I could do it there. Truth be told, I'm too tired, and for whatever reason blogging for a little while each day at work doesn't seem as exhausting. SO, that being said, here goes on the new format. I hope to update the blog every week or so, and attach pictures with captions, and notes on the Larkin family goings-on as well -- then...drumroll please...eventually I can take all the pictures, comments, and notes - put them on a CD - take that CD somewhere and get everything printed out - and voila! I have a scrapbook (well, I also have to buy the book all this fabulous information will go into)! Your mission as a reader of this blog is this...remind me if I have fallen behind. If we go a few months and Jack still hasn't done anything new, Meg hasn't said anything new, and I haven't reported to all of you - I am not doing my job! My hope is that this will keep you all abreast of the kids and what's going on with them, and keep me accountable to you and to my family to not forget the little things! The little things are sometimes all we have, and if you forget to capture them, you won't ever remember them again...So, climb aboard and enjoy the ride!

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