Tuesday, July 04, 2006

It's Independence Day!

Hello All ~
Greetings from Texas - Hope this post finds you all well. We are busy, busy as always - Meg is growing like a weed (see pictures below for evidence) and Jack amazes us everyday. He may very well skip crawling all together, because he would much prefer to pull up and play standing up! He's eating all kinds of food (mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and puffs are his favorites), babbling more and more, and rolling to any and everything he can possibly need or want!
We celebrated the 4th of July as a family, enjoying the time off and spending it watching Jack try to learn to crawl, Meg learn to kick a beachball out front of the house (we expect she'll be an expert by the time we get to the Florida shore later this month), and Mom and Dad finding a few precious moments to relax in between all the activity!
Unfortunately, both kids have been suffering from bronchitis, and Jack has logged his 3rd double ear infection in 6 weeks...Through it all they have both been champs, and you would never really know either of them felt particularly bad.
Grandma Beverley is coming to visit later this week, and we are looking forward to taking her to the pool and showing off Meg's new swimming skills (more like splashing skills, but it's something) and spending lots of time at the new park near our house!
We will be spending a week in Florida with Jim's family and we are excited about that trip, and introducing the kids to the ocean!
Signing off...as Meg would say "Happy 'day-you' to you America" (Happy Birthday, America)!!

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